Well, the PS3 Metal Gear Online beta finished up a couple of days ago and, sad to say, I'm pining for it already. I thought it was pretty amazing for a beta while playing but am only now realising the depth of game play possible.
Now, being a guy, I usually ignore instruction manuals with electrical products, etc, and MGO was no exception. The beta came with a training level that barely registered with me, I went straight to the action! Sniper rifle, check! Pistol, check! Ooooh, mines, check! Hrmm, whats this? Skill points? Huh, dunno what that does, I'll just choose sniper rifle mastery, pistol mastery, trap mastery and … FAST MOV for increased movement speed, nice! I can run around planting mines hither and yon! (yeah, I name every mine :P)
The next two weeks flew by. The enemy stepped on my mines and were blasted into the air and slammed against walls, I ran up and finished the job with pistol rounds. I got headshots galore with the sniper rifle, the skill points reducing recoil and increasing reload speed. Of course I was offed plenty of times, more times than I killed other players in fact, and in a variety of murderous methods.
• I run around a corner and straight into an enemy stun knife. I'm electrocuted and fall to the ground unconscious only to be slashed up by said knife. Ouch!
• While crouched in a nice shady corner, perfect for sniping down the long street ahead of me, I'm headshot by another sniper.
• While running and rolling away from a pursuing enemy, who's letting rip with his sub machinegun, I trod on one of my own mines. Doh!
• Is that a grenade? Oh it is a grenade, I'd better get outta h…
• I'm grabbed by some dude with CQC mastery who wants to make his bitch. He gets me on the ground and suffocates me into unconsciousness while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. He then teabags me for a few minutes before shooting me in the head and running off to find another poor sap. When I respawn, ashamed and sour-faced, I hunt him down!
• Sniping from a building top I'm spotted by two of the enemy who riddle me with assault rifle fire. In a blind panic I run for cover and stumble over the edge. AAAAAaaaaaaaaaggghhhh…SPLAT. The enemy run around my body in a gleeful circles.
• I'm shot in the back of the head by some noob on my own team. Turns out he stood on one of my mines earlier and wasn't pleased with the result.
• I'm running through a doorway only to be snared by a glossy magazine on the ground showing bikini clad honeys. I lean down for a closer look, the battlefield forgotten. Stepping from the shadows the enemy regards me, chuckling to himself, before unloading a clip into me and my monkey instincts!
• I'm crouched between a big barrel of fuel and a van. The enemy sniper grins to himself. He shoots the barrel. It explodes. The van explodes. I explode. PWNED.
Okay, that was only nine ways to die but they give you an idea of the madness of MGO. It's not just about firepower, it's the combinations. Mines in narrow alleys, a strategically placed girly magazine, being choked in the dark by an anonymous stranger. Damn, I'm getting an innuendo headache! XP

Yep, I've been shot, stabbed and set on fire but I dished out plenty too! Here are a few of my favourites:
• I climb up a big tower with my sniper rifle. I know I've been spotted. At the top of the ladder I turn and place a girly magazine on the ground. Sure enough an enemy soldier climbs the ladder, probably smirking at the irony of sneaking up behind me and offing me with a headshot from his handgun. All that’s forgotten when he spots the glossy pages of luscious booty before him. There's a loud bang and it's not in his pants. The final insult - I pick up his corpse and let it fall off the edge. That'll learn yeh! XD
• The enemy is firing at me! I run around a corner, looking scared. I lay a mine just at the corner and back away. The enemy, having quickly reloaded his sub machinegun, strides around the corner to finish this pistol waving fool. BOOM! He's slammed into the wall and slumps to the ground. The pistol waving fool saunters up, whistling casually, and pops a cap in his ass. Thaaaaank you! ;D
• While creeping through a quiet alley the enemy steps on a mine and is blasted. He picks himself up, muttering angrily, and walks a few feet onwards only to step on another mine. See ya!
• I find my way to a nice high sniping location, making sure to secure the area with mines. Sure enough an enemy soldier comes creeping up behind me, carefully aiming his assault rifle at the back of my skull. BOOM! He gets blown into the air. I turn to fire but with his health already having being low from an earlier skirmish, he screams his last. (I have yet to see a mine or grenade blast somebody off a ledge. Fingers crossed.)
I could go on but you get the idea. That’s my experience with a sniper rifle and mines. You could use a sub machine gun and grenade combo, CQC and teabagging combo, stun knife and …er…stun knife combo. Or not use any combos, just riddle the enemy with your big assault rifle or blast them with your shotgun!
Part 2 is on the way.
- L1
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