Jun 30, 2008

Gaming achievements - is there anything more pointless?

The upcoming firmware features for the PS3 are quite a welcome addition... especially the ability to actually check your mail without quitting what ever game you're playing. (a feature that has been available to PC gamers for about about the last 14 years by the way)

But the introduction of gaming trophies seems a bit laughable.
Does anyone actually care what awards some gamer unlocked for a game?
Do you endlessly scour your friends list marvelling at their gaming achievements?
Do you spend an extra 15 hours trying to complete a game you're already sick of without losing a health point, just because you're so driven to have an award?
What the hell is the point?

The term "gaming achievements" is such a delightful oxymoron too... I can think of nothing that's less of an achievement than pissing your life away in pursuit of some arbitrarily-chosen statistical gaming feat... maybe one person will see it and think "Wow, this guy is a real winner".
Not me though, I've been gaming long enough to see how pointless grinding is.
Whether it's grinding to unlock an achievement or grinding to level up in an MMORPG, if the process isn't fun, then it's not worth doing, no matter what the reward (unless we're talking cash, but let's be realistic - we aren't).

I'm sure it adds some gameplay longevity for those who enjoy the challenge, but personally I couldn't be arsed.
Much like I couldn't be arsed collecting all the flags in Assassins Creed or shooting all the pigeons in GTA4... it's such a tedious grind and unrewarding process that I don't find myself driven in the slightest to pursue these empty goals.
I didn't buy "Flag Collector's Creed" or "Pigeon Hunter 4", so why should these activities take up the lions share of my gaming time?
Could I be having more fun doing something else?
You bet your ass I could.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"gotta catch 'em all" - some people will actually buy the 360 version of a multiformat game over the PS3 one purely because one has achievements to whore for and the other doesn't.